Frequently Asked Questions


• Where is Guyana?

Guyana is located at the top of South America in between Venezuela and Suriname and above Brazil. The capital is Georgetown which is on the coast where 90% of the population is centered.

• Who are the indigenous people of Guyana?

The Amerindians have 9 tribes, each having their own language. The tribes are Akawaio, Arawak, Arekuna, Carib, Makusi, Patamona, Wai wais, Wapishana & Warau. English is spoken by everyone, although it is the second language to the oldest people in the interior.


• What language do they speak?

The official language is English. It is a former British Colony that gained its independence in 1966. Many of the older generation also still speak one of the 9 Amerindian tribal languages.

• In what time zone is Guyana?

Seven months out of the year Guyana is in the Eastern Time Zone but when the U.S. ‘Falls Back’ then Guyana is one hour ahead for five months of the year.

• How long does it take to get there?

Depending on where you start from in the U.S. and how long the layovers are, it takes about half a day flying. There are daily flights from Miami, Florida.

• Is it safe?

The government of Guyana is friendly to foreigners. It is a stable government with no civil war, no kidnappings, or dangerous conflicts between factions.

• What are Covid protocols?

Currently, you need to have a negative PCR test within 72 hours of when your flight leaves the U.S. Upon returning, you need to have another negative Covid test to board the plane home to the U.S. Masks are required on the airplanes and in the airports.

• Can I go on a mission trip to Guyana?

Yes. Guyana needs workers, teacher and preachers to spread the Gospel. You do not have to know every verse in the Bible to be an effective worker. Good traits that are useful are being friendly, enjoying meeting people, being a team player, being a hard worker, and having enthusiasm for the work.

• Do I need a Visa if I go on a campaign to Guyana?

No Visa required. You only need a valid passport that does not expire within 6 months of your trip.

• How much does it cost for me to go on a mission trip?

An approximate amount is about $2,500 and up. It depends on the price of airplane tickets, how far you live from Miami, how long you stay in Guyana, if you are willing to stay in tents instead of hotels, how much you spend on food, if you buy souvenirs, if you help with benevolence, etc.

• How many Church of Christ congregations are in Guyana?

There are just over 100 total in the entire country but our work is focused on the interior where we work with about 30 congregations.

• What are the main religions in Guyana?

Along the coast where 90% of the population is, the main religions are Hindu & Muslim. But in the interior villages it is almost all “Christian”.