About Brian


Brian Hall’s Biography

I grew up the in the Lord’s church as the son of a preacher and elder, Jack Hall. One of my father’s mentors was Brother Basil Overton (founder and editor of the World Evangelist publication). My family also owned the local newspaper, so I am very familiar with printing, advertising and public relations. I graduated in 1987 with a major in Marketing and minor in Management from David Lipscomb College in Nashville, TN. There I met my wife, Donna Anderson, from Gainesboro, TN. She comes from a large family of preachers, elders, deacons and teachers. We were married in 1987 by her uncle, James Paul Anderson, and lived in Nashville at first. For 31 years I was the owner/manager of Hall’s Print Shop in Berea, KY. In addition to printing, I also worked other business jobs in different fields to gain a wide variety of experience in marketing, design, taxes, emergency management, health care, and more. Through God’s providence, from each of those jobs I have learned valuable skills that aid the mission work. I always enjoyed having missionaries come speak and show pictures of where they work. Now, I want to be a Barnabas and encourager, working along side other more experienced missionaries and learning from them.

I served as a deacon for over 20 years at the Richmond Church of Christ in Richmond, KY. I was most recently deacon over Involvement and Missions. I also have served as deacon over Communications & Publicity, Welcome New Members/Families and Family Fellowship. My duties have also included being in charge of VBS, a F.I.T. Team Leader, Family Group Leader, Ministry Group Leader, and was in charge of the Directory & Photo Board, and served as unofficial Historian of the congregation.

With Donna’s blessing and encouragement, I began transitioning from the business world to doing full-time foreign mission work in September of 2018. I left a good-paying marketing job in the medical field and down-sized my printing activity. “Doing the Lord’s work is so very rewarding and fulfilling!” Missionary David Paher trained me for 9 months, then I branched out on my own continuing to work with Amerindian Missions, Guyana Christian Medical Mission, Mentoring Missions and others. On each trip to Guyana, I enjoy getting to know the kind, humble, friendly Amerindian people and sharing the Gospel.

When needed, I fill in teaching or preaching at area congregations. I have been a Bible class teacher for 5th grade through adult ages. Donna and I have three adult children who all graduated from Freed-Hardeman University. Our daughter, Bethany, was an elementary teacher near Dallas, TX. Our son, Caleb, is a song leader and helps with the college and young adult groups at the Richmond, KY congregation. Our youngest son, Isaac, is a full-time Gospel preacher at the Maple Avenue congregation in Lancaster, KY. We have five grandchildren, Judah, Asher, Elias, Eden and Ruby. Donna and I moved to a small farm near Paint Lick, KY in 2019 and now worship at the Maple Avenue Church of Christ. The elders there oversee the mission efforts. I was recently added as an elder and serve alongside two other men.

I am enthusiastic about the mission work and would love to make a presentation about the Guyana work at your local congregation. Contact me to set up a date and time for either a Sunday morning class or worship, Sunday evening or Wednesday evening. You may see me at a lectureship, conference, seminar, Bible bowl, Lads to Leaders, Polishing the Pulpit, Gospel meeting or other gathering. Be sure to say hello!