Mission work to the interior of Guyana


It all started when…

Brother Wayne Pruette encouraged many to make missionary trips with him to Guyana and Suriname. Prior to 1999, missionaries concentrated on the heavily populated coastal area in and around the capital of Georgetown. Then Jerry O. Davidson began going to the deep interior of the country doing campaigns, baptizing locals and starting congregations. He built an organization called Amerindian Missions that still does campaigns each Spring and Fall, provides vital infrastructure, and stipends for the local Guyanese preachers. This work is now overseen by the elders at the Morrison Church of Christ in Tennessee. The new director is Roger Comstock, preacher at the Gatlinburg, TN congregation.

Over a 19 year period Brother Davidson was responsible for establishing almost 30 new congregations! Due to health concerns, he had to retire in early 2018. Jerry and Frances Davidson’s contributions to spreading the Gospel in Guyana cannot be overstated. They have been faithful Godly servant leaders. Brother Jerry passed away in the Fall of 2020.

For five years, Brother Jerry trained David Paher in the mission work in Guyana. He urged David to start his own organization which is called Living Water 414. The work is overseen by the elders of the Richmond Church of Christ in Richmond, Kentucky. David supplements the work done by Amerindian Missions and others.

Since 2018, David, Roger, Mark Jamieson, James Pendley, David Myers, Sunil Joseph and others have helped Brian Hall learn the mission work in Guyana. Brian has now branched out on his own and started Go Teach The Word. Brian aids in the Guyana mission efforts by providing needed supplies to help spread the seed, mostly in the interior regions. These items include Bibles, Bible class and study materials, sound doctrine teaching tools, curriculum, outlines, class supplies, song books, communion supplies, reading glasses, benevolence items, and more. Brian travels to villages to assess the local needs, keeps in contact as much as is possible, and makes routine shipments from the U.S. His work is overseen by the elders of the Maple Avenue Church of Christ in Lancaster, Kentucky.

All of these missionaries and groups work with preachers trained at Guyana Christian University which is overseen by the elders of the Eastern Shore Church of Christ in Daphne, Alabama. The preacher training school was started in 2007 by Brother Tom Holland of Nashville, Tennessee who had been the only President until just before his passing. Bryant Evans is the current president. John Langham is the U.S. director and Thomas George is the Guyanese director.

“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” - 2 Timothy 2:2

Goals of Go Teach The Word

  • Take the Gospel to lost souls (travel in person, internet, by mail, shipping Bible study materials, etc.)

  • Provide sound-doctrine teaching tools for edification

  • Match needs of congregations in Guyana with willing donors in the U.S.

  • Sow the seed, teach, baptize, instruct, revisit


Workers in the deep interior

  • Amerindian Missions

    Morrison Church of Christ elders

  • Organizes evangelistic campaigns twice a year

  • Provides infrastructure vital to the ongoing mission work

  • Monthly stipends for local Guyanese preachers

  • Benevolence as needed

    Roger Comstock, director Teacher at GCU Gatlinburg Church of Christ

  • Guyana Christian University

    Bryant Evans & John Langham Eastern Shore Church of Christ

  • Wayne Pruette

    Missions to Guyana & Suriname Walnut Street Church of Christ, of Dickson, TN

  • Living Water 414

    David Paher Richmond Church of Christ

  • Follow-up visits to village churches to edify & encourage

  • Routine online teaching

  • Monthly stipends for local Guyana preachers

  • James Pendley

    Guyana Missions, campaigns Mumford Church of Christ of AL

  • Mark Jamieson

    Medical Missions, GCU Teacher University City Church of Christ

  • Louis & Martha Rushmore

    Seminars & Benevolence Siwell Road Church of Christ, MS

  • Go Teach the Word,

    Brian Hall

    Provides Bibles, study books, benevolence, etc. Maple Avenue Church of Christ

  • Charles Box

    North Rupununi region Walnut Street Church of Christ

  • Hope Children’s Home

    Kenneth Finlayson, director

    Stephen Kelley at Cathey’s Creek Church of Christ, TN

  • David & Sarah Myers

    VBS & campaigns. Wildwood, FL Church of Christ

  • Springhill Church of Christ of TN

    Good Hope, Supenaam, Parika

  • and many other individual workers with support of U.S. congregations